First Visit

First Visit


Everyone’s initial appointment will consist of a consultation with an examination and the explanation of the diagnosis and treatment options.  Occasionally, arrangements can be made to have surgery performed the same day as the consultation/examination.  However, because of the many complex medical histories and treatment plans, an examination and evaluation is required and a second appointment is then scheduled to provide treatment on another day.


Please provide us with the following at the time of consultation/examination visit:

1.     Your surgical referral slip and any x-rays (CT scan discs) if applicable.

2.     Your Dental and Medical Insurance information

3.     A list of medications that are presently taken.




It is extremely important that a parent or guardian must accompany ALL PATIENTS under the age of 18 at the consultation/examination visit.  Contrary to what might be understood, it is more important to have a parent or guardian at the examination/consultation visit than to be present at the time of the procedure/surgery.  This way it is insured that the parent or guardian is best able to give the appropriate informed consent for the planned treatment and or surgery.


A pre operative examination/consultation is suggested for any patients undergoing any IV anesthesia.  For any IV anesthesia, please have nothing to eat or drink 8 hours prior to surgery.




Please inform the office if you have any medical condition that may be of concern prior to surgery (e.g. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Artificial Heart Valves, or Orthopedic joint replacements, etc) or if you are currently taking any medications that are of concern (e.g. heart medication, Inhalers, Anticoagulants Coumadin/Pradaxa/Eliquis/Xarelto or Oral /IV  “Bone Meds” Fosamax/Boneva/Reclast/Prolia/Zometa).

X-rays/ X-ray Images/CT Scan Discs:


If your Dentist or Physician has taken any x-rays, you should request that they be forwarded or sent to our office.  If there is not enough time, please pick up them up and bring them to our office.  If additional x-ray images are necessary, they can be taken at our facility.