About TeethXpress
Fix Common Denture Problems
Many people who have conventional dentures don’t like to wear them because they don't stay in place. TeethXpress offers a way to keep dentures secure and allows you to go about your daily life with confidence.
Conventional dentures are designed to give you the appearance of natural teeth, but not actually replace your natural teeth. You may have noticed that your denture that once fit well now slips constantly and requires costly visits to the dentist for adjustment. That's because every day that you wear a denture the bone in your jaw shrinks a little more. Eventually the denture won't fit at all and you will have to replace it. Other common denture problems you might be experiencing include:
· Difficulty chewing certain foods
· Slurred speech and embarrassing clicks, whistling or smacking
· Slipping or moving of the denture
· Gum and mouth irritation
· Pain caused by poor fitting dentures
TeethXpress is a very different solution. You will still have beautiful natural looking teeth, but now they will also function like natural teeth. The TeethXpress solution secures your denture to surgically placed dental implants so that you can eat, speak and live confidently without the fear of slipping dentures.
The Procedure
After you have met with one of our Certified TeethXpress Dentists and created a personalized treatment plan, you will schedule the TeethXpress procedure. During the procedure, 4 to 6 implants are surgically placed into your jaw with abutment posts. Your denture is then secured to the abutment posts with special prosthetic screws.
Before TeethXpress Securing the denture

(Typical Patient with missing teeth) (Denture is attached to the implants to function like natural teeth)
TeethXpress procedure typically can be completed in one day and can be done under local anesthesia. Your dentist will either use your existing denture or have a denture created prior to the procedure so that you walk out that day with teeth. Discomfort from TeethXpress is usually minor and temporary. Your dentist may prescribe pain relievers for you as needed. A soft diet will be required during the initial healing phase.
After the procedure, the use of a medicated mouth wash is often recommended for two weeks. You will not brush or use a water pick during that time. After two weeks, you can start using a water pick on a slow speed. Follow your doctor's instructions and maintain your dental hygiene to ensure the long-term success of your treatment.
Are you a Candidate / Contact Us
Every patient is different and patient results may vary. Only a trained clinician can choose the best treatment plan for you. Please ask your Certified TeethXpress Dentist to explain the benefits and risks to determine if the TeethXpress solution is right for you.
Check out the TeethXpress website here