Bone Grafting/Sinus Grafts/Sinus Bumps

Over the course of time, patients with missing teeth encounter loss of jawbone, also known as atrophy. With bone loss, there is a lack of quality and quantity of bone to support the placement of dental implants. Bone grafting provides the opportunity to treat the loss of bone and successful grafting procedures can allow for dental implants to be a viable solution to restoring functionality and enhancing esthetic appearance.

 When considering implants to be placed in the posterior region of the upper jaw, the overlying maxillary sinus often needs to be elevated. This process involves elevating the sinus membrane and placing the bone graft onto the sinus floor. The bone graft will increase the ridge height and/or width and allow for appropriate implant placement. 


Sonic Weld Rx:

Sonic Weld Rx is a bone reconstruction technology that works without the need for removal or replacement of other meshwork or metal (screws).  It has a wide variety of oral surgical applications:

-      Bone socket grafting

-      Bone/jaw ridge reconstruction after tooth loss or facial trauma bone defects

-      Bone grafting in the jaws to prepare for future implant site